Thursday, October 29, 2015

What to do for Arthritis in the Knee- Stacey Pena Review

Many times as we age arthritis can build up in certain joints. The knee is one of the joints that is more susceptible to arthritis. The thing is what to do for Arthritis in the Knee can be as simple as making some simple changes. To make the simple changes you must understand some of the things that can make arthritis worse. Everyday habits such as gradual weight gain and lack of exercise. can actually make arthritis pain worse. Lifestyle choices could potentially do more harm to your aching knees and other painful joints than most realize.
What to do for arthritis in the knee can start with these few pain control habits that can help bring arthritis pain relief.


Control Weight Gain
When you are wondering what to do for arthritis in the knee, weight should be the first thing that comes to mind. Look at whether or not you have gained weight or are carrying more weight than your body was meant to handle. Aching knees are typically a direct response to weight gain. When you are overweight or obese, your joints are carrying that greater load, and this causes the wear and tear that characterizes osteoarthritis. To decrease pain, start with your weight.
Get Up and Get Moving
If your daily habit is to lounge around, you may be adding to your arthritis pain. Though this may sound counterintuitive to many, activity actually does the body some good. Don’t make aching knees or other joint pain an excuse for inactivity.
Though arthritis may make it a bit more difficult to get started on an exercise plan, it is so important. Starting out with non-impact type exercises can really make the difference. Some highly recommended programs for at home use are PiYo, Tai Cheng, and any of the P90X Series Yoga Programs. Once your pain begins to subside you want increase strength around the joint. 
Don’t Pass Up Healthy Fats
Healthy fats are important for everyone’s nutrition. Omega-3 fatty acids are very important when it comes to arthritis pain relief. This is definitely an important factor for what to do for arthritis in the knee.


It is recommended that your daily doses for Omega-3 fatty acids should be between 2,000 to 3,000 milligrams. Taking a high quality Omega supplement and eating foods such as salmon can help you achieve the recommended levels needed for arthritis pain relief.
Get Good Sleep
Sleep is important for overall health. Studies show that people who lack proper sleep report more pain and types of pain, including joint pain. 7-8 hours of sleep is optimal for overall health and to help alleviate pain.
Stamp Out Stress
Stress can play havoc on all areas of the body. The problem is, high levels of stress can actually make arthritis pain worse. If you are stressed, your overall physical tension can be greater, magnifying joint and muscle pain. So take a deep breath, and try to let all that stress go. Meditation, massage, and acupuncture are all good options to help relieve the pain and open up the joints and their range of motion.
Now that you know what to do for arthritis in the knee, you can start utilizing these suggestions and finding relief.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Diet or Exercise: Which is Better for Weight Loss?- Stacey Pena Review

Diet or Exercise: Which is Better for Weight Loss? The truth is you need both!
Only using exercise will definitely make it harder to lose inches and pounds. Can it be done? Sure, but it will happen very slowly and most likely won’t last. Only about 1% of people will keep weight off when they just use exercise.
If you only lose weight through diet you will end up skinny, but most likely still carry excess fat. Yep, without exercise your body retains fat. This is called being skinny fat and it’s often retained in the belly. In addition, people who only use nutrition for weight loss have about a 10% possibility of keeping the weight off.
So, if you’re wondering, Diet or Exercise: Which is Better for Weight Loss? The answer is truly both. Together they turbocharge your body. When you combine the two you also increase your chances up to 60% for keeping weight off.


We can’t stress enough the importance of combining diet and exercise versus worrying about Diet or Exercise: Which is Better for Weight Loss. A Healthy Diet really means healthy, balanced, portioned, and clean nutrition and proper hydration.  When you are truly eating healthy your body will shed fat, gain muscle, and maintain a healthy weight. What you put in your body is your diet. Your healthy diet should include whole grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, lean proteins, and lots of water. A diet that includes all food groups is healthy nutrition!
Important Aspects of a Healthy Diet:
  • You’ll be Happier and More Productive
Your diet has a huge impact on how you feel. Eating the right foods including complex carbohydrates, and foods rich in iron and high in omega-3 can increase serotonin and energy levels. This is why Shakeology can have such a huge impact on energy levels, because it contains that exact combination of foods. Research has also revealed nutrition that has low omega-3 levels, too little iron, and high amounts of sugar and simple carbohydrates may be correlated with depression.
  • Your Digestive System Will Run Better
When you provide your body with fruits and vegetables you’ll have the proper fiber intake which will aid the digestive tract. Couple that with proper hydration and your digestion will be happy.  When you are eat a healthy diet, your digestive tract runs like clockwork and when it runs like clockwork this will aid in weight loss and muscle gain. For those who are not big on fruits and vegetables, then you need to look at Shakeology.
  • You’ll Get to a Healthy Weight
No matter how much you work out, you cannot work out enough to beat poor nutrition. When you see people who workout every day and their bodies are still the same, the cause is poor nutrition. Poor meals or too many drinks can undo the positive effects of exercise.


Important Aspects of Regular Exercise:
  • You need to exercise.
Whether you are at your goal weight or not, you need to exercise 5-6 days per week. The best programs include both cardiovascular (aerobic and anaerobic exercise) as well as resistance training (weight lifting). The best and most efficient way to make sure that you are getting the proper amounts of each exercise is to use Beachbody Programs like 21 Day Fix, P90X, and others. Check out Beachbody On-Demand for free to see all the different programs that you can use to get the right exercise. As humans we are made to move. If we don’t move we fall apart. I am sure you have heard “if you don’t use it, you lose it”. This is true when applied to exercise!
  • Less Stress and Greater Happiness.
Exercise has been shown to reduce the amount of the stress hormones in the body and boost serotonin levels. When this happens we are happier.
  • Improved Sleep
Better Sleep equals better recovery. When at rest the body recovers, muscles heal, and performance-enhancing hormones are released. The body’s leptin levels recover. When this hormone is at proper levels it makes it easier to make better food choices.
  • Helps with Weight Loss and Muscle Gains (Toning and Bulking)
Exercise burns calories. When you are creating a greater deficit in calories you will lose weight. Exercise can also helps you gain muscle. The more muscle you have the more calories you will burn during and after exercise.
Diet or Exercise: Which is Better for Weight Loss? By now you should see the greatest benefit comes when you eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly. Combining the two is a must. Numerous studies show the synergistic effects of combining exercise and with a healthy. When this is done, 1 + 1 = 10!

If you are not sure how to put this all together, you can obtain a FREE Coach to help you get started.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

An Easy Diet to Get You Started!- Stacey Pena Review

Transition diets are the best Easy Diet to start your journey to better health and be a healthier eater. Of course when we say Easy Diet, what we really mean is a nutrition plan that is easy to implement and sets you up for a healthy eating lifestyle. The biggest goal when starting is to create a plan that has includes more natural, whole foods and less junk.  
That first step itself constitutes an Easy Diet. Why is this…? Because there are no secrets to healthy eating. Healthy nutrition is simply understanding that eating healthy means you have to minimize junk food. If 90% of your nutrition is real food (remember, the stuff nature makes?) your body will respond and your exercise efforts will pay off with better results.


Take 2-4 weeks to start implementing some mainstays that are necessary for balanced nutrition. After you clean out the junk it is time to focus on what you can eat, rather than what you can’t eat. You will find that this list is a lot to chow down on. Small changes make healthy eating pretty easy and his is the best way to get ready for a new nutrition plan and exercise program.


  • Cheat Days: Since no one’s perfect, you get two days during this week to cheat. Yep, eat anything you want! Be sure to listen to your body, it will tell you it wants everything that you have cut out and over time how you feel is a great indicator of what nutrients you are deficient in, rather than a cue to eat junk. Listen to your body. Example: Craving ice cream, you may be short on essential fatty acids. Craving a hamburger, your nutrition may lack protein. Listen to your body and learn what it really needs and then choose food items that can really give it those nutrients, versus giving into the junk like ice cream or hamburgers. Being in tune with your body is a lifestyle benefit that will pay off for the rest of your life.
  • Eliminate: No junk. Eliminate junk food from your diet. That’s it, just junk. The definition of junk is obvious stuff, like potato chips, candy, ice cream, cake, and other salt- and sugar-loaded foods.
  • Focus: After you rid the junk, focus on the fact that in week one you can eat whatever and whenever you like. Also don’t forget to focus on water, 8-10 eight ounce glasses of water per day, or even better focus on a gallon. As much as 65-75% of us walk around dehydrated. Once you are hydrated you will notice changes in your body and how it craves food. Another focus should be on minimizing or eliminating other drinks such as juice, sodas (obviously), and alcohol.



  • Yes still “no junk” and learning proper portion sizes. Remember that this is a process, and things need to be done over and over again for it to become a part of your life.Eat proper portions of food, and eat more often. Eat every 3-4 hours and try not to eat anything about two hours before you go to sleep. This helps keep your blood sugar levels more static and your energy level more consistent. The basic recommended times to eat are Breakfast, Mid-Morning Snack, Lunch, Mid-Afternoon Snack, and Dinner. Learn proper portions such as – ½ cup of high fiber grains, 1 cup of vegetables, 1 cup of fruit, 3-4 ounces of lean meat, and ¼ cup of healthy fats. Sticking to these portions and the proper numbers of each portion per day will keep your metabolism firing on all cylinders.
  • Cheat Meals: Yes your full Cheat Days from week one are now Cheat Meals. You can have two Cheat Meals per week. You will notice that having an entire day to cheat is not necessary. Though you may be tempted may happen every now and again, you will see it is not necessary to cheat more often. When cravings come, you will find that having one cheat meal generally suffices. Plus more times than not, cravings are more mental than physical. Gradually decreasing your cheat meals and knowing it’s mostly in your head helps break those mental habits.
  • Focus: Carbs are not the enemy. Your body needs them, just like it needs proteins and fats. The key is choosing the right style carbs. As a society, we eat too much refined sugar. Complex grain carbs, like whole-grain breads, whole-grain rice, sweet potatoes, and legumes are great choices. Keep in mind that vegetables and fruits are carbs as well. The right carbohydrates will maximize your body’s ability to function properly and participate in exercise and other daily activities.


  • Focus: Stick to No Junk and Cheat Meals on two different days per week.
  • Have more variety, eat more colorful foods, and try foods you have never had before. Try recipes that are easy to make and provide balanced nutrition. For great recipes be sure to check out the Fixate Cookbook by celebrity trainer Autumn Calabrese. Remember the richer the colors, the fresher the products tend to be. Try to eat a variety of colors in your diet. Be sure to have a variety of all food types, including proteins, grains, vegetables, and fruits. Be sure to vary meal as well. You don’t want your meals to be too heavy in one nutrient or another. Balance matters!
  • Total Nutrition Supplementation: Starting to implement total nutritional supplements that are clean and artificial ingredient free is very important. This helps your body do a better job of utilizing the nutrients from the foods you are eat, provides the nutrients you cannot get from food sources, and may help with many other aspects of your body function and efficiency. Shakeology and its Shakeology Boosts are some of the best and cleanest total nutrition supplements you can add to your diet.
Taking time to transition and use these easy diet suggestions to get started will make other changes a lot easier along the way. Following the steps of a process you are more likely to succeed than just random efforts. Start here and you will find getting into your nutrition and exercise plan will be easier and results will happen sooner!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Belly Fat Loss- Stacey Pena Review

Just an FYI… Everyone has some belly fat, even people who have flat abs. It is when we have too much belly fat that it has an effect on our health. When this is the case, it is time to say enough! It is time for Belly Fat Loss!
There are different kinds of fat. Some fat is right under your skin, and other fat is deeper inside, around your heart, lungs, liver, and other organs. The deeper fat is called “visceral” fat. This fat may be the bigger problem, even for thin people.
There are four key factors you need to take into consideration in Belly Fat Loss: exercise; diet; sleep; and stress management. If any of these four are out of balance you will gain weight. When your weight gets excessive, your body starts to store your fat in unusual places and deep around your Visceral Organs.


The most precise way to measure it, is to have a CT scan or MRI. This obviously will cost a ton of money so most people opt for a much simpler, low-cost method for monitoring belly fat. The tools most commonly used are measuring tape, body fat calipers, or body fat measurement machines. A measuring tape is the simplest do-it-yourself method. Body fat calipers and body fat weight machine with feet and handle sensors are somewhat more accurate. If using a machine make sure that you use a machine that has both hand and foot sensors for the most accurate results.


Let’s start with the least expensive method, a tape. This way you can get started on that Belly Fat Loss, and then look to do another measurement method later. Simply take a measuring tape, wrap it around your waist at your belly button, and check your girth. Do it while you’re standing up, and make sure the tape measure is level all the way around. Your waist size should be less than 35 inches if you’re a woman and less than 40 inches if you’re a man. If this is not the case you know things need to change.


  • Exercise: In combination with the other factors, vigorous exercise creates great belly fat loss, including visceral fat. Participating in 30 minutes of vigorous exercise at least six days a week will raise your heart rate and burn fat. Vigorous exercise includes running, plyometric and agility training, hiking up steep inclines, and other types of fast moving exercise and training. Of course you can always use Beachbody programs like P90X3, 21 Day Fix, Insanity Max30, and others that provide 30 minutes of vigorous training, which you can do in the comfort of your own home. Another great thing about Beachbody programs is that you can take them to the gym or outdoors by streaming those programs with the NEW Beachbody On-Demand.If you can only do moderate exercise, then you need 45-60 minutes, 6 days per week.
Just remember that once you get your fitness levels up, it is important to hit the vigorous exercises so you can torch visceral fat. Moderate exercise can include jogging, stair climbing at a moderate pace, and fast walking. You can also use Beachbody Programs like PiYo, P90, TurboJam, or TurboFire to start seeing results while doing moderate exercise. Plus these programs are always changing your workouts and how they are scheduled, which also helps with fat burn.
  • Nutrition: There is no magic diet for belly fat loss. Diets alone typically results in more muscle and water weight loss than fat loss. If you want your belly fat gone, you need to have proper nutrition. When you have balanced nutrition that encompasses clean whole foods, portion control, and proper caloric intake for your activity levels, the belly fat is usually the first to go, though this can vary with genetics. Most people struggle with balance since the media and society has skewed the view on what balanced real nutrition looks like. The best program to teach you all that is needed for proper nutrition is the Portion Fix Nutrition plan. This plan is the easiest to implement and use. You can get it on its own, or it comes with the 21 Day Fix, 21 Day Fix Extreme, or Insanity Max30 Workout programs.
Other aspects of nutrition that are key to belly fat loss are fiber and supplementation with a total nutrition supplement. 50% of Americans are nutrient and fiber deficient. It is nearly impossible with today’s food supply to get the fiber and total nutrients that we need on a daily basis. It also has been shown that people who have low nutrient and fiber levels have a tendency to store more visceral fat. If you are eating a clean nutrition plan with the proper servings of fruits and vegetables, plus supplementing with a total nutrition shake like Shakeology, you will be well on your way to having proper fiber and nutrient levels. Your body will thank you, and you will see belly fat loss.
  • Sleep : Getting the right amount of sleep is incredibly important for belly fat loss. Studies have shown that people who got 6 to 8 hours of sleep per night gained less visceral fat over 5 years versus those who got 5 or fewer hours of sleep per night. The same study showed those who slept longer than 8 hours, gained more belly fat. Sleep is your time to recover which is why you need the rest, but too much causes your body to be more sedentary. Again it’s all  about balance.
  • Stress: Everyone has stress. How you handle your stress is what really matters. If you don’t handle stress well, or you have too much stress, you will struggle with belly fat loss. The best way to combat stress is through exercise. Proper sleep also helps combat stress. Other things you can do to help combat stress are relaxing with friends and family, meditating, and counseling if stress levels become too much to handle. How you react to stressful situations can cause additional stress. So work on finding the balance in how you react to stress and how you cope with stress. Knowing your options for combating stress will also help create a healthier lifestyle and aid in making good choices.


Belly Fat Loss is possible and can be achieved with ease if you take the right steps. It won’t be immediate. Your Belly Fat Loss will happen if you stay consistent and remember that you didn’t put your belly fat on overnight, so it will take time to shed that weight. Now that you know what to do, start by setting goals, and begin your journey. If you need assistance or accountability be sure to seek out a coach who can help you achieve your belly fat loss.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Fitness Exercises For Men At Home with Busy Schedules- Stacey Pena Review

We all know that health and fitness should be a top priority in your life no matter what. After all, you only have one body and the better care you take of it now, the better off you‘ll be later in life. When it comes to working out, that’s often easier said than done. That is why, if you’re a guy, it’s important to find Fitness Exercises for Men at Home with Busy Schedules. Then there is no wasting time going to the gym and you can use the excuse “There are no good Fitness Exercises for Men that can be done at home”. Despite your best intentions to keep a consistent workout schedule, we all know there are many excuses such as, I am too busy, I am on vacation, and I am too sore, too tired, and unmotivated.
Enough with the excuses because there is a way to incorporate Fitness Exercises for Men At Home with Busy Schedules.
  1. Embrace shorter workouts:
You don’t need to spend hours working out to stay healthy and fit. If you use programs that incorporate high intensity interval training (HIIT), you can get stronger, more fit, and in the best shape ever in as little as 30 minutes. Checkout P90X3, Insanity Max30, 21 Day Fix or 21 Day Fix Extreme and you will see how that can happen. These At-Home workouts are short and sweet.
  1. Create a ritual:
To create a habit you must create a ritual around the new habit. Staying with an exercise routine is no different.
Here is an example of Fitness Exercises for Men At Home with Busy SchedulesRoutine: Workout first thing in the morning before you go to work. Create a ritual where every morning you get up, eat a small breakfast while listening to your favorite music to get you pumped up, take the dog for a quick stroll around the block, then work out, make a nutrition shake or recovery shake, shower, and drive to work.
If you consistently make this a part of your morning routine, eventually you will not think twice about it. It will just come naturally to you.


  1. Schedule it in your calendar:
Make your workout as important as you would any other appointment. If you use Beachbody Fitness Programs they all come with a Calendar so you know exactly what workout and what exercises you will be doing. You can simply transfer this schedule into your calendar each week.
  1. Commit for 30 days:
Many people have a hard time with long term commitments when it comes to exercise. This is where you look at committing to 21 or 30 day programs. The best Fitness Exercises for Men At Home with Busy Schedules that fit into these time frames are 21 Day Fix or 21 Day Fix Extreme. If you want more than 21 days then you can commit other at home programs, but just focus on each 30 days as its own regimen.
The key is to commit to the habit and doing that habit consistently.
  1. Choose a Program that has Progressive Fitness Exercises
When you first start working out consistently, it is important that you have a high quality program that provides fitness exercises that are designed with the proper progression. This will keep you on track, improve your fitness levels, and help keep you from injury. The highest quality and proven programs are by Beachbody.


Start with the steps above and you will be more likely to succeed in the long run. Get rid of your excuses! There are many Fitness Exercises for Men at Home with Busy Schedules that will create great results. You just need to pick one and start.!17